Thursday, September 24, 2009

Would you like a croissant with your expresso Hemmingway?

It sure elicits a WOW. And is surely another feather in Google's innovator cap.

But I asked myself these.
Why would I want to print an e-book?
Wouldn't it go against the whole principle of it?

Yes, yes I do agree, one would want to carry a book along to places far removed from civilisation and broadband. I, for one, love reading on beaches and in trains.

But isn't that why someone spent millions of dollars and hours to invent the e-book reader for?

Yes, yes, yes, I know the feel, the smell and the character of the written word on paper is something else. One can't cozy up in front of a warm fire with a e-book reader.

But what about the paper you save? If everyone goes about printing their e-books to read it, would every story end with the death of a tree? And would something like this Expresso Book Machine mean genocide for trees?

Is buying a book today a blatant display of our disregard for the scantily clad Mother Nature?

When we are consuming so much of our entertainment and information off backlit screens today, do we really need a bookshelf?

Just questions that I asked myself.
Quite like the one about why does one need that warm fire to read the book?

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