Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eko Stoplight

The Eko Stoplight by Damjan Stanković is a buffering light that tells you how more time will your green signal take to download. He promotes it as an eco solution; his belief being that if you know how long you are going to be there at the light, you may want to shut your engine off, wait, be calm, and turn it back on again when the time is almost up. This not only lessens the amount of gas you use sitting still, but it lessens the amount of crazy madness you have wondering if the stoplight is stuck, or just really, really long. Well if only cars came custom-fitted with a driver's conscience. A small step, but definitely in the right direction.
Why would it score over a simple time counter next to the light, the kind that you see in India? For starters, the light and the buffer is operated using the same light source. Hence less electricity. And secondly 2 minutes left at the light, may seem too little a time to switch one's engine off. While two minutes on the Eko stoplight may seem to be a bit longer.

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